Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz I often perform mitzvot (Torah commandments) without much thought or meaning, like I’m just going through the motions. Do such mitzvot still count? […]
Judaism 101
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Oorah’s new song, “Hashem Needs Every Yid (God Needs Every Jew),” has become an international sensation. But isn’t that heretical? Since Hashem is […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz I would have thought that the name of a child should be something inspiring, uplifting, or full of hope. Yet in the Torah, […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz We have a family member who is terminally ill, and each time they think the person is dying, the family is called to […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Akeidat Yitzchak (the Binding of Isaac) is considered by many to be Avraham’s tenth and ultimate test. But why was this test greater […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Is it important in Judaism to forgive those who have hurt us? And what about someone who doesn’t ask me for forgiveness, or […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz I see many people washing their hands three times with a cup next to their beds when they wake up in the morning, […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Why does Judaism need so many laws and restrictions? I consider myself good, kind, and honest, I give charity, and I am nice […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Every year, during the “Three Weeks,” we mourn the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash, our Holy Temple. While I try to keep the […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Why did God create such a vast universe with numerous galaxies, planets, and stars? Isn’t Earth enough? Rabbi Chaim Mintz responds: The Purpose […]