This Yom Kippur eve during the evening service, I got to a point in my prayers where I realized that there were things I had done during the past year […]
Judaism 101
Many of us approach the day of Rosh Hashana with worry and fear, feeling that we’re not good enough and thinking that we didn’t improve in the past year. Why […]
Oorah’s founder, Rabbi Chaim Mintz delivers a short (3 minute) message for Oorah’s families regarding the holiday of Tu B’av. You can watch Rabbi Mintz’s weekly class given each Tuesday […]
Are our prayers really going unanswered? Find out now in this week’s live session of Ask the Rabbi live! Got a question of your own? Submit it to and […]
A short inspirational thought by Oorah founder Rabbi Chaim Mintz, on the second days of Pesach.
Josh recently lost his job in the economic downturn. He had no idea where he would get the money to pay his mortgage and bills. As his meager savings were […]