There are many symbolic foods traditionally eaten at the Rosh Hashana meal. (This article does a good job explaining the background for this.) Probably the most well known, of course, […]
Judaism 101
Judaism 101 offers insight into the beliefs, practices, and history of Judaism, providing a solid foundation for further study.
Who doesn’t love chocolate chip cookies? Dunked in a cup of milk, fresh out of the oven or anytime, these cookies just hit that sweet spot. From Oorah rep and […]
Who can say no to quiche? Make it pareve and it’s a winner every time, whether your menu is meat or dairy. Ingredients: 4 medium onions 3 cans sliced mushrooms […]
Scores of boys sat at tables set for a party and lively music played in the background. The bar mitzvah boy and his proud parents sat at the head table […]
Refreshing for a summer seuda shlishit/shalosh seudos (the Third Meal of Shabbos) or anytime! Ingredient amounts are approximate; you can adjust the amount of fruit to whatever you happen to […]
It was not long ago that the spelling bee in New York was won with the word “knaidel.” We were surprised to discover, in subsequent news reports, that a large […]