Judaism 101

Judaism 101 offers insight into the beliefs, practices, and history of Judaism, providing a solid foundation for further study. 

Techina Dressing

Techina, also known as tahini, is a sesame-seed based condiment popular in Israel. Traditional in falafel. Ingredients: 2 cups 100% ground techina 3 cups water 1 1/2 tsp. salt 2 […]

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Chicken Soup

Chicken soup is a classic that doesn’t need much introduction. Enjoy on Friday night as is or with soup accompaniments like matzah balls, lukshen (noodles) or croutons. Ingredients: 1-2 chickens […]

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Apple Squares

Who doesn’t associate Rosh Hashana with apples? This super easy recipe from Mrs. Raizelle Serebrowski, assistant director of the Oorah Rebbetzins program, gives you a new way to add them […]

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Honey Cake

Honey cake is a tried and true Rosh Hashana tradition. But how many of us actually enjoy our cake? Here’s a recipe from Mrs. Horowitz, an Oorah employee who actually […]

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Leeks Vinaigrette

There are many symbolic foods traditionally eaten at the Rosh Hashana meal. (This article does a good job explaining the background for this.) Probably the most well known, of course, […]

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Fruit Soup

Refreshing for a summer seuda shlishit/shalosh seudos (the Third Meal of Shabbos) or anytime! Ingredient amounts are approximate; you can adjust the amount of fruit to whatever you happen to […]

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