Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz I would have thought that the name of a child should be something inspiring, uplifting, or full of hope. Yet in the Torah, […]
Judaism 101
Judaism 101 offers insight into the beliefs, practices, and history of Judaism, providing a solid foundation for further study.
The One Who Relies on God The Midrash (Bereishit Rabbah 89:3) says that Yosef (Joseph) is the example of one who relies on God. To support this statement, the Midrash […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz We have a family member who is terminally ill, and each time they think the person is dying, the family is called to […]
And Sit There The verse in this week’s Torah reading, Parshat Vayishlach, says (35:1), “And God said to Yaakov (Jacob), “Get up and go up to Beit-El and sit there, […]
In this week’s Torah reading, Yaakov (Jacob) flees from his brother Eisav (Esau) who wants to kill him, and goes to Charan, his mother’s land of origin, to find a […]
The Powerhouse of Bitachon Bitachon—trust in Hashem (God)—is always the call of the hour. However, now more than ever, with challenges all around us, this function remains more important than […]
How Could he be Blamed? This week’s Torah reading tells us about the birth of Yitzchak (Isaac)’s two sons, Yaakov (Jacob) and Eisav (Esau). While Yaakov excelled in his spiritual […]
The Torah tells us that when Rivkah (Rebecca) had an unusual pregnancy experience, she went to inquire from Hashem what it meant. It was then said to her that the […]
Avraham’s Search for a Burial Plot In this week’s Torah reading, Avraham (Abraham) was searching for a suitable burial plot for his deceased wife, Sara. He took interest in a plot […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Akeidat Yitzchak (the Binding of Isaac) is considered by many to be Avraham’s tenth and ultimate test. But why was this test greater […]