As Rosh Hashana is next week, and many of us are planning our menus and cooking in advance, I thought it would be best to post the Rosh Hashana Sweets […]
Judaism 101
Judaism 101 offers insight into the beliefs, practices, and history of Judaism, providing a solid foundation for further study.
An Oorah Holiday Guide Oorah’s “10 Minute” Guides are designed to help you “find your way around” the Yomim Tovim that mark the Jewish year. Our heritage is rich with […]
Why do we struggle and find it difficult to follow along with the Rosh Hashana prayers? Is there anything to do about it? Find out now from Rabbi Chaim Mintz, […]
Oorah’s founder, Rabbi Chaim Mintz delivers a short (3 minute) message for Oorah’s families regarding the holiday of Tu B’av. You can watch Rabbi Mintz’s weekly class given each Tuesday […]
I was recently a guest, and someone at the table was espousing some worldviews that were against Torah-true ideology (hashkafah). What is the proper way to react in such a […]
Why is it that the Orthodox yeshivah system does not seem to place a high priority on secular education, especially for boys? Without a college degree or a solid secular […]
“I once met a Jew who told me that he doesn’t believe that Torah is from Heaven. I challenged him, asking him how he can reject the Torah if he’s […]
Why do yeshivos learn so much Talmud, the Oral Law, when the majority of students have not even mastered the Chumash, the Written Law? Isn’t the Chumash the foundation of […]
Question: Rabbi, I am not the scholarly type and never did well in school, and it seems that Torah study is “just not for me.” I pray three times a […]
An Oorah Holiday Guide What is Shavuot and when is it celebrated? The holiday of Shavuot (or Shavuos lit. Weeks) occurs on the 6th of the Hebrew month of Sivan. […]