Every person in our holy nation possesses a unique individuality that has two parts. We find the Jews being compared to the stars often throughout the Torah, such as when […]
Judaism 101
Judaism 101 offers insight into the beliefs, practices, and history of Judaism, providing a solid foundation for further study.
This Chanukah, TorahMates is excited to present a book of recipes, prepared with you in mind. The cookbook includes your traditional Chanukah foods, with some extras thrown in— because who […]
Rabbi Yossi Mozes from TheZone is back with fascinating insights and lessons to fill your Shabbos with meaning and holiness. Watch and learn how you can bring the serenity of […]
Jewish Music Part 2 Part 1: What is Jewish Song? Part 3: Jewish Music Stars Part 4: Our Very Own Speaking of choirs, here’s a “golden oldie”, that’s been around […]
Jewish Music Part 1 Part 2: Speaking of Choirs… Part 3: Jewish Music Stars Part 4: Our Very Own Song has a profound role in Judaism. In Heaven, the very […]
God’s Beauty in Nature I slouch in my seat, listening to the monotonous drone of my Judaic Studies teacher. She continues lecturing about gratitude and appreciation, as she has already […]
Throughout the first part of our morning prayers, known as the Pesukei D’Zimrah, we sing praises to Hashem from chapters of Psalms. One chapter that we recite (Tehillim 150 – […]
Life is only given to those who can live it, even if it seems hardIf you cannot live life, push yourself through; I know that’s the hard partIf you CAN […]
This Yom Kippur eve during the evening service, I got to a point in my prayers where I realized that there were things I had done during the past year […]
Many of us approach the day of Rosh Hashana with worry and fear, feeling that we’re not good enough and thinking that we didn’t improve in the past year. Why […]