Judaism 101
Judaism 101 offers insight into the beliefs, practices, and history of Judaism, providing a solid foundation for further study.
In Shemone Esrei, we express our great sorrow and longing for the days in which we will finally return to Jeusalem once again, with the words: “ And let our […]
As the world mourns the passing of the celebrated soccer player, Pelé, a most unique hockey team has just lost the state championship. This team is made up of Jewish […]
According to some commentators, the curse of Chava(Eve) changed the woman’s place. As part of her punishment for her role in eating from the Tree of Knowledge, God told the […]
The Talmud devotes an entire tractate to discuss Jewish marriage and marital rights in great detail[i]. Obviously it is beyond the scope of this article to cover the topic comprehensively. […]
Can a woman be a rabbi? This is a complex and multi-faceted question, in part because the role of rabbi contains many different elements and responsibilities, and not every rabbi […]
Do women have a role in the Hebrew bible and Talmud? The answer to this is a definite yes! As a few brief examples, the Talmud will quote women on […]
Jewish women have unquestionably had a tremendous impact on history. The sages teach us that the Jewish people were redeemed from slavery in Egypt only in the merit of righteous […]
No. In fact, among men too, there are differences. Certain commandments apply exclusively to Kohanim (priests), other to Levi’im (Levites), and still others to Yisraelim (other Jews, who fit neither […]
By Rabbi Pinchos Fried Table of Contents What is the role of women in Judaism? Of late, this has become a hot-button issue, something of a loaded topic. With passionate […]