It’s Summertime, in the Northern Hemisphere at least, and for many people that means barbecues and outdoor grilling. Especially around July 4th in the United States, people, regardless of their […]
Judaism 101
Judaism 101 offers insight into the beliefs, practices, and history of Judaism, providing a solid foundation for further study.
In the beginning of this week’s Torah reading, Balak sent messengers to Bilam to request that he curse the Jewish Nation. Bilam told them that he cannot go without permission […]
The Most Powerful Force The Mesilat Yesharim (chapter 11) tells us that the most powerful force which drives a human is the desire for honor and respect. If not for […]
I never learned how to play chess. Though it is called the Game of Kings, I’m not sure whether that’s because kings played it, or some of the players represent […]
Warming Food on Shabbos < Intro and Lesson 1: Getting to Know Your Blech Lesson 2: Zones of the Blech IMPORTANT NOTE: Please see Tip! in the transcription below for […]
In the week’s Torah reading, Parshas Shelach, Moshe (Moses) sent 12 spies to scout out the Land of Canaan (which would become the Land of Israel after the Jews conquered […]
The best Jewish food not only fills the stomach, but warms the heart. If you tell someone that you top your chopped liver with grieben, their face may light up […]
To a novice, the notion of baking challah seems very daunting. But there’s nothing like warm, homemade challah to start your Shabbat, and it turns out that once you get […]
As I write this, I am breathing a sigh of relief – that I can breathe deeply. Since people forget things quickly, I will recount this for posterity. In the […]
Towards the end of this week’s Torah reading, Parshas Beha’aloscha, a story transpired in which Miriam slandered her brother Moses in conversation with her brother Aaron, and accused Moses of […]