Shavuos is nearly here, and this should not take us by surprise, as we have been counting the days! But what are we counting towards when we count the Omer […]
Judaism 101
Judaism 101 offers insight into the beliefs, practices, and history of Judaism, providing a solid foundation for further study.
Recently, someone shared a copy of advice for wives which was published in a home economics book in 1950. It had things like, “Plan ahead to have a nice dinner […]
Why is it that many Orthodox Jews do not honorYom HaShoah? Don’t they care about the six million? Rabbi Chaim Mintz responds: Of course we mourn the six million. However, […]
The Torah Commandment for Daily Torah Study The Rambam (Hilchos Talmud Torah 1:8) says that every Jewish man has to set aside a time daily for Torah study, both during […]
It was almost time to bentsch licht on the first night of Pesach. The table was set with all their most beautiful china and there in the middle, in its […]
As we know, the chag (holiday) of Pesach (Passover) is upon us. But how can we connect and relate to Passover in a real, tangible, and significant way? I think […]
Whenever I get an idea about a column, I jot it down and then go back to the list when I’m ready to write. Generally, I have several to choose […]
As the focal point of the Passover Seder, the Seder Plate, or Ke’arah in hebrew, traditionally graces the table on Passover night. There are several different foods, each with its […]
A haggadah includes the basic script for the Seder meal, as well as instructions on how to lead it. Ready to count down the best haggadahs with us? Let’s explore […]
In the busy 2020 pre-Yom Tov rush, amid Covid concerns and dashed Pesach plans, the master chefs at Oorah and TheZone join together to bring you an epic evening of […]