The Torah Commandment for Daily Torah Study The Rambam (Hilchos Talmud Torah 1:8) says that every Jewish man has to set aside a time daily for Torah study, both during […]
Judaism 101
Judaism 101 offers insight into the beliefs, practices, and history of Judaism, providing a solid foundation for further study.
It was almost time to bentsch licht on the first night of Pesach. The table was set with all their most beautiful china and there in the middle, in its […]
As we know, the chag (holiday) of Pesach (Passover) is upon us. But how can we connect and relate to Passover in a real, tangible, and significant way? I think […]
Whenever I get an idea about a column, I jot it down and then go back to the list when I’m ready to write. Generally, I have several to choose […]
As the focal point of the Passover Seder, the Seder Plate, or Ke’arah in hebrew, traditionally graces the table on Passover night. There are several different foods, each with its […]
A haggadah includes the basic script for the Seder meal, as well as instructions on how to lead it. Ready to count down the best haggadahs with us? Let’s explore […]
In the busy 2020 pre-Yom Tov rush, amid Covid concerns and dashed Pesach plans, the master chefs at Oorah and TheZone join together to bring you an epic evening of […]
An Oorah Holiday Guide Download Print Version We designed Oorah’s ten minute guides to help you find your way around the Yomim Tovim that mark the Jewish year. Our heritage […]
One of the large wireless phone carriers touts its service using the tagline, “It’s all about the network.” Or, something like that. It’s possible I’m confusing it because I don’t […]
A verse in Mishlei (2:13) talks about those who “forsake the paths of the just to go upon the roads of darkness”. We can learn an important principle from this. […]