Our Talents – A Personal Command from God In this week’s Torah reading, Moshe (Moses) says to the Jews (Shemot 35:30) in reference to the construction of the Mishkan (Tabernacle), […]
Judaism 101
Judaism 101 offers insight into the beliefs, practices, and history of Judaism, providing a solid foundation for further study.
How Could They Fall So Low? This week’s Torah reading, Parshat Ki Tisa, relates the sin of the Golden Calf. While Moshe (Moses) was absent from the camp of the […]
Straphangers Living in Monsey, New York, and not working in New York City, I don’t really have occasion to ride the bus very often. When I was visiting Israel, I […]
A Mitzvah is Like a Candle This week’s Torah reading mentions the lighting of the menorah, the special golden candelabra which was placed in the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and later in […]
A House Large Enough For God? In this week’s Torah reading, Parshat Terumah, God instructs the Jews to build the Mishkan (Tabernacle), a place of worship upon which God will […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz We say, “When Adar arrives, we increase happiness.” Where is the source for this, and why is the month of Adar, specifically, such […]
Charity – A Kindness for Yourself In this week’s Torah reading, the verse says (22:24), “When you lend money to a poor person with you, you should not pressure him […]
< Lesson 10: Making Egg Salad and Tuna Salad on Shabbos Lesson 11: Making Salad on Shabbos In this lesson, Rabbi Rappaport discusses the issues involved with making salads on […]
Fear at Sinai This week’s Torah reading, Parshat Yitro, depicts the awesome event of the Jews receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai. It was a frightening experience, with a lot […]
“How Could I forget her birthday?!” Someone confided in me that she’d forgotten a friend’s birthday. The friend was very upset. I couldn’t relate, because I’m a guy, and I […]