The Spiritual Aspect of Food This week’s Torah reading dictates laws pertaining to the Kosher diet; which animals we may eat and which we may not eat. The Abarbanel explains […]
Judaism 101
Judaism 101 offers insight into the beliefs, practices, and history of Judaism, providing a solid foundation for further study.
Morning Rituals: Connecting Across Time Zones With a daughter in Israel, catching up on the day can be challenging. You see, when she’s well into the main part of her […]
The Meaning of the Korban Todah (Todah Sacrifice) This week’s Torah reading discusses the Korban Todah. During the time that korbanot (sacrifices) were brought, the Korban Todah was offered by […]
Reflecting on Purim’s Lessons When Hashem taught Moshe the Torah, He gave Moshe time to pause and reflect on what he was told: these are manifested in the breaks and […]
The Purim Story On Purim, we read the Megillah – the Megillat Esther (Book of Esther). The Megillah tells the story about how the wicked Haman, who was second to […]
A Branded Seal If you recognize the title of this column as the name of a certain alcoholic product, you might find it quite appropriate for Purim time. However, I […]
< Lesson 11: Making Salad on Shabbos Lesson 12: Preparing Fruits and Vegetables for Serving on Shabbos This lesson’s topic was touched upon in the previous few lessons, but I […]
Watch this unbelievable moment between the mayor of Chevron, whose son is currently held hostage in Gaza, and Rabbi Chaim Mintz, Oorah’s Founder and Spiritual Leader. Can’t view YouTube videos? […]
An Edifice to House God’s Presence?! This week’s Torah reading concludes the description of the construction of the Mishkan (Tabernacle). The building of the Mishkan culminates with the Shechinah (God’s […]
Extra Time to Plan Ahead An extra Adar has got some of us planning for Pesach even earlier. With a few extra weeks to get things done, we can perhaps […]