In this week’s Torah reading, the Torah makes note of a certain episode in history which took place. Noach had gotten drunk, and was found by his son Cham, rolling […]
Judaism 101
Add meaning to your holiday with this beautiful sukkah poster Upon entering the sukkah on the first of the seven days of the holiday of Sukkot, there are certain thoughts […]
He Who Is Forgiving Merits Forgiveness Yom Kippur – the day of atonement for our sins – is an exciting day. However, it’s not a “freebie”. One must repent properly […]
Judging favorably is a mitzvah (commandment) in the Torah, not simply a nice thing to do. Is it easy? Not for most people, especially since most of us have not […]
In this week’s Torah reading we have an interesting mitzvah (commandment). The Torah instructs us (30:19) to choose life. What does it mean to choose life? By nature, every human […]
Improving Our Character: A Fundamental of Judaism The verse in this week’s Torah reading says (28:9), “And you shall go in His [God’s] ways.” The Sefer Hachinuch (Mitzvah 611) says […]
Opportunities, Not Rights In this week’s Torah reading, we have a mitzvah (commandment) to refrain from muzzling an ox while it is threshing. Why does one owe his ox to […]
One of my favorite stories from Chovos HaLevavos is that of a certain chassid (as in close to Hashem, since it was written centuries before the Baal Shem Tov, founder […]
We’ve all heard the expression, “When one door closes, another one opens.” Well, maybe not all of us, but it’s pretty wide-spread. The idea behind this is that we shouldn’t […]
An Award-Winning Journalist Last year, I learned about a series of awards given out to journalists who write for Jewish publications. I had a bit of a Yetzer Hara to […]