Opportunities, Not Rights In this week’s Torah reading, we have a mitzvah (commandment) to refrain from muzzling an ox while it is threshing. Why does one owe his ox to […]
Judaism 101
One of my favorite stories from Chovos HaLevavos is that of a certain chassid (as in close to Hashem, since it was written centuries before the Baal Shem Tov, founder […]
We’ve all heard the expression, “When one door closes, another one opens.” Well, maybe not all of us, but it’s pretty wide-spread. The idea behind this is that we shouldn’t […]
An Award-Winning Journalist Last year, I learned about a series of awards given out to journalists who write for Jewish publications. I had a bit of a Yetzer Hara to […]
For a few months, my daughter was working somewhere that was rather far from home. One day, I had occasion to pass within a few minutes of the facility in […]
It’s Summertime, in the Northern Hemisphere at least, and for many people that means barbecues and outdoor grilling. Especially around July 4th in the United States, people, regardless of their […]
In the beginning of this week’s Torah reading, Balak sent messengers to Bilam to request that he curse the Jewish Nation. Bilam told them that he cannot go without permission […]
I never learned how to play chess. Though it is called the Game of Kings, I’m not sure whether that’s because kings played it, or some of the players represent […]
To a novice, the notion of baking challah seems very daunting. But there’s nothing like warm, homemade challah to start your Shabbat, and it turns out that once you get […]
Towards the end of this week’s Torah reading, Parshas Beha’aloscha, a story transpired in which Miriam slandered her brother Moses in conversation with her brother Aaron, and accused Moses of […]