Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Akeidat Yitzchak (the Binding of Isaac) is considered by many to be Avraham’s tenth and ultimate test. But why was this test greater […]
Judaism 101
He will be Answered First In this week’s Torah reading, Avraham (Abraham) located to a new place, to the province of Grar. Sara, his wife, was taken to become the […]
< Lesson 16: Common Mishaps at the Shabbos Table Lesson 17: Dessert and Cleanup – Muktzah, Borer, and More An Introductory Law Welcome to my home, where in Lesson 17, […]
Who are we Fooling? Yom Kippur, the most awesome day of the year, arouses great trepidation. How do we approach this great day, a day of teshuvah (repentance) and forgiveness? […]
Because You Did Not Serve Him with Happiness This week’s Torah reading warns us of terrible curses which the Jewish Nation can potentially suffer. What might one do to deserve […]
One Mitzvah Leads to Another In this week’s Torah reading, we have the mitzvah (commandment) of Shiluach Haken, sending away the mother bird before taking her eggs or chicks, which […]
I know, I know. The month of Elul should inspire awe and fear. I have heard stories of people in previous generations who would tremble when Rosh Chodesh Elul (the approach […]
Advice from an Ant The Midrash (Parshat Shoftim 5:2) quotes a pasuk from Mishlei (6:6-8), “Go to the ant, you lazy one, observe its ways and become wise…. It prepares […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz I see many people washing their hands three times with a cup next to their beds when they wake up in the morning, […]
Keeping kosher can seem daunting, but there are resources here to guide you!, a popular blog featuring delicious kosher recipes, offers a wealth of information for anyone curious about […]