The Last Place You Look “Why is it,” goes the old joke, “that when you’re looking for something, you always find it in the last place you look?” The answer, […]
Judaism 101
He Should Have Prayed The verse in this week’s Torah reading, Parshat Masei (Bamidbar 35:25), says that one who has killed a person unintentionally must flee to a designated city, […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Why did God create such a vast universe with numerous galaxies, planets, and stars? Isn’t Earth enough? Rabbi Chaim Mintz responds: The Purpose […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Does the Torah prohibit Jews from gambling? And what about buying tickets in a Chinese auction or a lottery for that matter – […]
The Korban Tamid – Every Single Day This week’s Torah reading commands us to bring the Korban Tamid, a set of sheep brought as daily sacrifices, one in the morning […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz I don’t understand the mitzvah of “v’ahavta lerei’acha kamocha – love your friend like yourself.” You can command me to do or not […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Does the “evil eye” exist? If it does, what is it, and what can we do to protect ourselves from it? There are […]
The Pennies will Grow into Dollars There’s an old expression: “Mind the pennies, and the dollars will watch themselves.” What it means is that if you are careful with the […]
Strange Donkey In this week’s Torah reading, Bilam the prophet decided to curse the Jews, despite God expressing disapproval of him doing so. On the way, God sent an angel […]
Should Bilaam Go? In this week’s Torah reading, King Balak sent messengers to summon Bilaam the prophet to curse the Jews, who were camping out in the desert nearby. When […]