A Watched Pot Never Boils A watched pot, says conventional wisdom, never boils. Now this is not a scientific fact, because whether you visually inspect your pot while it’s cooking […]
Judaism 101
The world has always been enamored with the future. We imagine the technological revolutions that will take place, the vast improvements to life that will occur, and most often, we […]
Yosef – A Wise Interpreter This week’s Torah reading begins with Pharaoh’s dreams. Pharaoh dreamed one dream in which he saw seven fat and healthy cows rise from the Nile, […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz The Book of Bereishit discusses at great length the many trials and challenges our forefathers Avraham (Abraham) and Yaakov (Jacob) faced. Yet, when […]
Becoming Aware I noticed a very interesting phenomenon. When you make a connection to something, you suddenly become more aware of its presence. For example, when you buy a car, […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz We find that Devorah (Deborah) was a judge and leader of the army, and other women in Tanach were prophetesses as well as […]
Even the Minor is Significant in Judaism Nothing in Judaism is trivial, no matter how apparently minor. A Torah Jew believes that every element of the Torah is laden with […]
Unnecessary Precautions In this week’s Torah reading, Yaakov (Jacob) prepared to meet his brother Eisav (Esau). Yaakov was returning to his homeland, where Eisav lived, after being away for many […]
The Rabbis teach that, ideally, one should light the menorah at the entrance to one’s house, so that the mezuzah is on the right of the doorway and the menorah […]
The Harm of Passive Exposure You’re likely familiar with the Chanukah (Hannukah) story: The Syrian Greek tyrant, Antiochus, outlaws the practice of Judaism and forces our ancestors to worship the […]