Warming Food on Shabbos < Lesson 4: Putting Up Cholent In a Crockpot Lesson 5: Friday Night Cholent In this fifth lesson about warming food on Shabbos (or Shabbat), Rabbi […]
Judaism 101
Warming Food on Shabbos < Lesson 3: Serving Food From the Blech Lesson 4: Putting Up Cholent in a Crockpot In this fourth lesson about warming food on Shabbos (or […]
Warming Food on Shabbos < Lesson 2: Zones of the Blech Lesson 3: Serving Food From the Blech IMPORTANT NOTE: Please see Option 2 in the transcription below for halachic clarification on moving […]
What exactly are “the three weeks”? Hear from Rabbi Eli Bohm of TheZone about this time, its history, and its laws.Learn about the three weeks and how we commemorate the […]
An Oorah Holiday Guide The three weeks that begin on Shiva Asar B’Tammuz (17th of Tammuz) and end on Tisha B’Av (the 9th of Av) are a period of mourning […]
Warming Food on Shabbos < Intro and Lesson 1: Getting to Know Your Blech Lesson 2: Zones of the Blech IMPORTANT NOTE: Please see Tip! in the transcription below for […]
The best Jewish food not only fills the stomach, but warms the heart. If you tell someone that you top your chopped liver with grieben, their face may light up […]
To a novice, the notion of baking challah seems very daunting. But there’s nothing like warm, homemade challah to start your Shabbat, and it turns out that once you get […]
Intro to The Shabbos Kitchen Series Join Rabbi Pinchus Rappaport as he guides you step by step through the laws of Shabbos (or Shabbat) as they apply in the kitchen. […]
As the focal point of the Passover Seder, the Seder Plate, or Ke’arah in hebrew, traditionally graces the table on Passover night. There are several different foods, each with its […]