Horrific Har Nof Massacre — Introduction The horrific Har Nof Massacre that took place in Israel, in November of 2014, shook the Jewish world to its core. Two terrorists invaded […]
Judaism 101
Judaism 101 offers insight into the beliefs, practices, and history of Judaism, providing a solid foundation for further study.
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz You have mentioned that adversity in this world is meant to be a test. But what about a child who is born with […]
The Call to Build the Mishkan This week’s Torah reading continues with the project of the building of the Mishkan (the Tabernacle – center of worship). Moses gathers the Jewish […]
The Symbolism of Matzah: More Than Just Unleavened Bread One of the main mitzvot (commandments) that Pesach (Passover) revolves around is the mitzvah of eating matzah. It is forbidden to […]
Erev Pesach (the day before Passover) is one of the busiest days of the year, and since this year (2025) it is on Shabbat, there are several issues that are […]
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make me a Match… A Roman matron asked R’ Yosi ben Chalafta (Bereishit Rabbah 68:4), “Since He created the world what is God busy doing?” He answered that […]
By Rabbi Pinchos Fried Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah What is the significance of becoming Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah? How should these occasions be celebrated? And is there a […]
A haggadah includes the basic script for the Seder meal, as well as instructions on how to lead it. Ready to count down the best haggadahs with us? Let’s explore […]
If we believe that all bad events come from a righteous God and are for our good, is feeling bad and upset a lack of faith in Hashem (God)? Rabbi […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz I have a friend who just started wearing tzitzit. He was in a car accident with some friends, and he was the only […]