For a more comprehensive look at the laws of kosher food, here are some resources to check out: Rabbi Mordechai Becher’s Soul Food, Kof-K’s What is Kosher?, and OK’s Your […]
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A future Jewish comedian? Whaddya say? (For more about the prohibition of handling money on Shabbos, read this section of Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan’s book, Sabbath: Day of Eternity. For a […]
TheZone lost a beloved member with the passing of Willy- Moshe, as he liked to be called- about a month ago. This video is a touching memorial to a special […]
This Bronx teenager nails in right on the head. Weigh in with your own thoughts on the matter in the comments section below. h/t
Fortunate to be one of the approximate million people who merited attending the Levaya of Hacham Ovadia Yossef zt”l, I can relate that it was truly an unbelievable historical event, […]
What would you have said to the motorcyclist if it had been your cup he’d saved?
Scores of boys sat at tables set for a party and lively music played in the background. The bar mitzvah boy and his proud parents sat at the head table […]