Extra Time to Plan Ahead An extra Adar has got some of us planning for Pesach even earlier. With a few extra weeks to get things done, we can perhaps […]
Current Events & News
“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” If I was there now, I would be Out with the rest, chanting proudly. Oppressed people, we care for, Mercy […]
If you feel helpless, this message is for you! Rabbi Chaim Mintz tells us what we can do to help protect our Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel. May all […]
Once again, all eyes are on the Land of Israel, the People of Israel, and we, scattered across the world, hang on every bit of news from our homeland. If […]
As I write this, I am breathing a sigh of relief – that I can breathe deeply. Since people forget things quickly, I will recount this for posterity. In the […]
A Lesson To Be Learned Well-known is the premise of the Baal Shem Tov and others, that when we see things, there’s a reason for it. There’s some message to […]
Whenever I get an idea about a column, I jot it down and then go back to the list when I’m ready to write. Generally, I have several to choose […]
As the world mourns the passing of the celebrated soccer player, Pelé, a most unique hockey team has just lost the state championship. This team is made up of Jewish […]
A video clip has recently gone viral, in which a reporter interviewed the Ben and Jerry of “Ben and Jerry’s” ice cream. In the video, Axios’ Alexi McCammond discusses Ben […]
Do UFOs Exist? It’s official. UFOs are real. Or, so the US government says. Only they are called UAPs. And are not always shaped like flying saucers.So, after nearly a […]