Take this opportunity to stimulate mind and soul
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For more information, call 1-866-665-4788 or email events@oorah.org
"I was absolutely blown away by the Torahmates retreat. It was inspiring, fun, interesting and filled with endless opportunities… I was very impressed with the location and beauty of the site as well as its majestic and whimsical animals, the warmth and beauty of the shul, staff members and by all of the programming… The place is purely magical and holy! Each meal provided me with opportunities to meet new people. I made some wonderful friendships with women of all ages and backgrounds and treasure the memories I have with them and look forward to making new ones."
-Ricki R., TorahMates retreat 2019 attendee
"It’s very inspiring to be connected to people from all walks of life and who face different challenges and yet with one commonality and that is to be together at the retreat with the goal to be inspired and rejuvenate our souls with minimal of uninterrupted learning."
- B.A., TorahMates retreat 2018 attendee